Monday, December 28, 2009


I recently bought myself an epilator but i am now getting a lot of ingrown hairs on my legs. I was told I needed to get exfoliator pads. Is this what I need to stop it? Also where can I buy them from? If anyone knows how I can stop the hairs ingrowing so I can go back to having nice smooth legs it will be greatly appreciated. Thank youExfoliation?
Go to a pharmacy, something like CVS. Dove has some good exfoliation pads, so does St Ives. Try either skincare, or go to the bodywash sections. Get a body wash that exfoliates. If you have a lush store near you, [look at the website] Buy this thing called ';buffy'; it exfoliates and moisterizes so well. Also don't shave against the hairs, shave down-ward, use a goodshaving gell, like skintamite for dry or sensitive skin, and moisterize after. Also to fully avoid them at all, try waxing or deplitory [veet or nair are good brands], cream to get rid of the hair instead. Goodluck!

Most of this can be found at a pharmacy, target, walmart, or most drugstores.Exfoliation?
St. Ives.
Try Tend Skin for ingrown hairs and razor burn. Put it on with a cotton ball after shaving or showering.
Here is a special product for ingrown hair:鈥?/a>

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