Thursday, December 24, 2009

Exfoliation and spheroidal weathering occur near the surface of the Earth.?

True or False?Exfoliation and spheroidal weathering occur near the surface of the Earth.?
Hmmm could be trick question. it comes down to the definition of 'near'.

Exfoliation and spheroidal weathering occur mostly in felsic rocks on the earths surface.Exfoliation and spheroidal weathering occur near the surface of the Earth.?
Exfoliation and spheroidal weathering occur at or near the surface of the earth. Exfoliation typically occurs in intrusive igneous rocks like granite when they are exposed to repeated heating and cooling from the sun, and spheroidal weathering occurs in these and basaltic dykes when water enters cracks and joints just below the surface, causing weathering which will tend to round the blocks off - hence spheroidal (corners have more surface area than flat surfaces, so they weather out faster, leaving a rounded edge.)
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