Monday, December 28, 2009

Exfoliation before or after waxing ?

what is the correct thing to do - exfoliate before or after waxing ; what is the scientific reason behind it ?Exfoliation before or after waxing ?
You should exfoliate before waxing and after waxing. You want to exfoliate no less than 24 hours before waxing. After waxing you should wait atleast 48 hours before exfoliating. This is because the skin may be sensitive. Also depending on where you waxed - you should refrain from being in hot baths for atleast 24 hours. Hope I helped!Exfoliation before or after waxing ?
both...u want ot exfoliate before but not right before, to get all the grime away from the hair so it can be plucked out from the root. after to keep ingrowns and pimples away since u now have an exposed pore where the hair follicle was. u don't what to exfoliate right before because u don't want tender skin that can lift and come off as u pull the strip away.
i think after
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